Bill's Conversational Musings

The Rack We Built

The Rack We Built

Occasionally, I reflect on various stages of my career and wonder why I stayed in certain roles for as long as I did. However, when I think about my time at Rackspace, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the knowledge I gained, the lessons I learned, and inspiration from the colleagues I worked with.

After working at Rackspace for 12 years and being let go, I wasn’t particularly surprised. I had seen the company go from public to private and public again. Leadership changed many times over. Despite these fluctuations, one thing stayed consistent: customers needed help. And that's what kept me going and helped me to focus.

Lorenzo Gomez III's book The Rack We Built1 closely mirrors my own experiences at Rackspace. Like me, he was an account manager who was frequently on the phone with customers. I found that many of the core account manager principles he discusses in the book regarding customer calls, tickets, working with other Rackers mirrored my experince too.

I found this book after I had been let go. I recommend it to any former Rackers. Working at Rackspace was indeed a unique culture. One that I will not soon forget.