"The sure barrier to truth is the presumption that you already have it." - Chuck Missler.
Over the years, I've found it helpful to ask myself 'How sure am I?' whenever I think I know something. By posing this question, I'm able to test my hypotheses and challenge my assumptions. To do this, I employ a few techniques, such as:
Childlike curiosity - As an adult, I've noticed that I often stop asking 'but why?' questions as I gain more knowledge and experience. However, during my recent job search process, I found myself asking these questions again with renewed curiosity. It was as if I was tapping into my inner child, eager to understand the underlying how things worked. It's an ongoing exercise. However, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of how certain aspects of the effort work."
Critical thinking - For GenAI, critical thinking is essential for obtaining accurate results from the system. Hosted LLMs have generally been well-trained, but downloading a language model locally and asking questions can lead to unexpected consequences. It's important not to simply take the model's output at face value, as it may provide information that is incomplete or inaccurate.
Mentors - Finding mentors who are knowledgeable about various subjects, such as fence repair or circuit design, is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding. These mentors can provide valuable insights and challenge your existing beliefs in a way that goes beyond simply asking questions on Reddit. By seeking out people who have your best interests in mind, you can gain a broader understanding of the world around you.
These are just 3 examples on how I seek out 'the truth'. What are some of yours?