Bill's Conversational Musings

Linux Command Line Tools

Linux Commands

I've compiled a list of my favorite Linux command line utilities. Some are readily available for use without installation also called console services, while others require a quick setup process. As I discover new tools or revisit existing ones, this collection will be updated to reflect the latest additions.

No installation

Console Services

This is a great Awesome Console Services GitHub page that has a long list of console services. It hasn't been updated in a few years and some of the services are now defunct. But it still provides a handy resource.


stocks cli
Terminal Stocks is a terminal first application that provides stock price information. Usage example:



weather cli is a useful command line tool. Usage example:


Installation Required

CLI Apps

Another list is this one of CLI/TUI programs. This one is a little more current and has wide range of tools.


Glow is a terminal based markdown reader designed from the ground up to bring out the beauty—and power—of the CLI. Use it to discover markdown files, read documentation directly on the command line. Glow will find local markdown files in subdirectories or a local Git repository.