Bill's Conversational Musings

Eulogy for my Dad, My Friend

Photo of Dad

On this first Father's Day without my father, I was looking for a way to honor him. But what would I write? His voice still echos in my ear. It then occurred to me that I have not looked at the notes I wrote for his Eulogy. So I have …

Mom's Pizza Dough

Mom's Pizza Dough Title Image

I have been living off this recipe for many years in one form or another. I always looked forward to pizza night at the house. When you move out on your own, one of the first things you want is a taste of what you knew and loved.

Mom documented …

I Should Have Brought a Book

Pano shot of the plane

The following is a writing exercise. I was composing based on everyday life and adding metaphors to enhance the reading. Enjoy

I should have brought a book. I thought I was going to read this e-book on project management and how it links to music. But it just resonates of …

3-2-1 Backup rule for the cloud

Hey, another article about backing up in the cloud. Dull, right? We have come a long way from this reel of tape. Stay with me as I try to draw some new connections to old principles.

Backups are one of those things that you know you need. However, you sometimes …

Idea Detractors


Earlier this year I wrote an article about where ideas come from. This article is about what can kill and idea before it even has a chance. Sometimes it is some sort of physical limitation (financial or technological) but many times the idea is lost before it ever leaves our …

My Father's Soundtrack


My father passed away last month. One of the hardest tasks I have ever had to do was come up with a soundtrack for his life. How does one do that? How do you go about finding music that describes another person? (Tip to those reading this: Put a track …

*-as-a-Service Hangout

WordCamp Hangout Pic

Here's a real quick update/post about a Google Hangout I did with Alan Bush, Drew Cox and Todd Klindt about 'anything'-as-a-Service.

We talk about and compare the differences of using a hosting service versus doing it yourself.

Have a comment?

So, what do you think? Did I miss anything …

Where do Ideas Come From? Part 1


Where do ideas come from? Sounds like the answer should be simple, right? Not so fast. What I hope to do in this article is walk you through some of the steps that helps me generate ideas. For me, ideas can come at anytime so I have to be on …

Motivation Questions

Motivational Questions

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing--that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar

It can be hard to keep moving and accomplish various objectives. Sometimes there are things you want to do. Other times there are things you do not want to do …

Why is my site slow?

Drew explains why sites are slow.

"Question: Why is my site slow? Answer: Too much is being asked of the current solution Solution: Ask less of the servers or add more resources"

It’s a common question asked by almost any administrator or webmaster at some point or another. Perhaps it was working fast early on …

Dry Comal Creek Winery

Dry Comal Creek Tour

From July 14, 2008: During the 4th of July weekend we visited the Dry Comal Creek Winery. Around the same time, KENS5 in San Antonio visited the winery and did a much better tour/overview in their "Trip on a Tankfull" segment.

Our tour was hosted by Mr. Houser, we …

3 Things System Failures Must Do

When talking about system failures, I always tell people I speak with that it can and will take place. To set the right expectation I mention that these systems (some virtual) are constructed by mankind. It's not a question of "if" but "when" will it break. Even if the system …

BMW's Fabric Car

BMW's Fabric Car

From June 11, 2008: BMW is thinking about a car where the entire body and major components are made out of fabric. So, to wash this car do you now take it to the cleaners? I know what happens to a convertible after about 2 years in the sun. Imagine …